Thursday, October 24, 2013

Taper Tantrum

Here we go.  TEN DAYS TIL SANTA CLARITA MARATHON!!!  Marathon #5 for just under 2 years.  Before that if someone said the word "marathon" I couldn't have told you how far it answer would have been "a long way...20ish miles."  

Hansons training program complete (every single run in the entire program for 16 1/2 weeks...haven't missed a single mile or a single run). For the next 10 days I can run easy and slow.

The last two weeks of Thursday tempo runs have been fantastic. They are 12 miles. One mile warmup, 10 miles at goal marathon pace, one mile cool down.
7:38 is my goal marathon pace.
Last week:

This week:

Eek. So excited. 

Bad news. Got another blood test and my iron is still stupid low so I'm going to have to keep working on it.  I feel tons better already after 6 weeks of changing my diet to be more iron rich and taking some iron supplements but I still have a long way to go.  

Starting tomorrow I will be able to see race day in the forecast, I can start packing and I plan on trying really hard to stay off my feet so I can recover.  Maybe I will blog some more. 

And a few photos:

A pile of Newtons...mine and the husband's.  Love.

 A pretty new winter wool coat I sewed for my wonderful boy.

My nephew practicing for me (he is one of my violin students).  The apples and eggs help him play the sections of the violin piece in the correct order.  He is 5 years old.  Love my job!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

24 days to go

24 days until Marathon #5.  Got this anemia thing taken care. Got the shoes picked out. Got the hundreds of miles logged. Got EVERY single stinking run in the Hansons Marathon Method in the books for an entire 18 weeks.....not a single miss.  Got the hotel booked for the night before. Got the dog sitter. Got my sights set on a combo race....what does that mean?  Well the last 2 marathons have been all over the map.  In January at Arizona Rock n Roll, I had a very upset foot/stabalizer ankle thing (peroneus brevis) so I spent the race crying inside. I managed a best time but much of the race is a blur as I was in so much pain.  In May I ran Shiprock Marathon in my backyard. I focused on negative splitting (which I'd never done before) and enjoying the race....all 26.2 of it, and I really did.  I raced and had a great time.  Santa Clarita on November 3 is going to be a combo. I'm going to love it, live it and race it.  I'm going to LOVE every step because for the first time I feel so ready (this will definitely change when I get taper brain a week from now and start freaking out). I'm going to LIVE it because I have trained hard and I know how my pace feels and I believe that I can get done what I've been aiming for (this will also change with taper brain because I will question everything and doubt all).  I will RACE it because I can and I'm a competitor.  I'm not afraid of those big numbers anymore. I know I can run a marathon. I know it's going to hurt so so so so stinkin bad even if I go slow so I'm going to push and hope for the best.

Seriously, I know this will all change after Sunday's last long run. I am confident right now though....for real.  My little brother (also a marathoner) told me today "Seriously...the work and pace you were done with a month ago will determine what happens in Santa Clarita. Just chill and let it happen. Don't obsess about these last training runs. Don't over-analyze. Just rest up and run."  I'm going to try so very hard to take those words to heart.