I can't update on everything that's happened in the last month. It's been busy in every way possible.
Planting the garden.
Playing violin concerts.
Preparing violin students for concerts.
Playing at funerals.
Taking on 4 more laying hens (to add to our flock of 22)...refereeing the pecking order takes alot of time.
Trying to refinance our house (ugh....the paperwork).
On and on.
I have managed 50-60 miles per week and am now just under 3 weeks away from Shiprock Marathon. I've been following the Hansons plan and the taper is more like 10 days so I still have a bit to go until official taper, but I am feeling very trashed and ready to rest. Tempo runs, speedwork, long runs, easy runs....all just chugging along. Getting it done.
One of my favorite runs was in Durango with my friend K (also doing Shiprock...it'll be her first!) I was in Durango to play a concert and had a 3 hour break between rehearsal and concert so we met up. I had 10 on my plan and she had 18 so I did 13.5 with her. We chatted and cruised along the river trail and the miles clicked by quickly. Near the end of my run with her, I realized we were actually going to break her best time for her half-marathon. Totally cool. She did it so easily. I am so excited for Shiprock to see how fast she can go. She is super fit and so dedicated. It's going to be a great day!
K and I play in the San Juan Symphony together and all the local musicians were asked to go to a photo shoot for next year's promo material. Here's one of the shots of us. I'll make sure and get one of us after Shiprock Marathon too!
Run Happy!