heck I don't really know. I'm going to run a Half Marathon in August...the same Half that I ran last year and was my first ever. I'm definitely going to run faster this year.
I have been running quite a bit since the marathon and the 10k race I ran 5 days later. Keeping up at least 35-45 miles per week. A possible triathlon on June 30 that is a 1-mile swim, 6-mile run and 25-mile bike (although I first got on a road bike this weekend and I am not sure I will be ready since I look like a 6-year old that just got her training wheels taken off).
Aside from that, we are "Marathon Window Shopping".....what to do next. Encouragement from a very fast running friend that I could drop another 15 minutes no problem if I ran a downhill race. Encouragement from another friend to find races close to home. Encouragement from a friend living outside of London to come and run a destination marathon there. I don't like huge races. I get overwhelmed. 2,500 people is my max I think. I really enjoy the smaller races with the small town feel. I think a December or January race would allow for a great set of training through the fall but the thought of doing something as soon as October gets me a little excited as I really love the hard training. Thoughts? Suggestions for races?
To conclude, I couldn't resist ordering the customized shirt from the Colfax Marathon I ran May 20. Got it in the mail today. The quote of the race was "Doubters Can Suck It". If you're interested in the story, you can read about it in my race review below from May 21.